Dragonfruit Giclée Print 8 x 10
This hearty fruit, native to Mexico and Central America grows on the Hylocereus cactus, and is now produced all over the world. Surviving in deserts and adapting to variations in climate, it is considered to symbolize strength and resilience in body and temperament. Full of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, it is definitely a power food. Dragonfruit also teaches us the value of inner beauty as it’s flowers bloom at night, often unseen.

Potential 8×8
~Believe in Yourself~
Our potential is greater than we know. As humans we are innately creative, even if we don’t realize it. Often we sell ourselves short or feel limited by circumstances. This piece is about the belief in your personal possibility, and the possibility for a better life, a better world.

Earth Minded 8×8
The importance of living a life that is mindful of the environment is what this piece speaks to. Taking care of Earth = taking care of ourselves at the most basic level.

Steller’s Jay Song 6×6
Celebrating the spirit of this handsome bird and it’s bold song. Steller’s Jays have a grand presence at 12″ tall, and are common residents in North America. Found in backyards, forests, and wooded areas, they love peanuts in feeders as well as other plant seeds, berries and insects found in the wild. They are known for their dominance and keen ability to imitate other bird’s calls on occasion. Jays are said to represent strength, protection, intelligence and communication across various traditions.

Trumpet Lily Giclée Print 8 x 10
Lillies are said to represent rebirth, joy, and gratitude among other things… These strong flowers with a steadfast fragrance are such a potent symbol for the vigor of life as well!

Camellia Giclée Print 8×10
~Camellia Sasanqua~
One of my favorite blooms, Camellia is always a show stopper with it’s profuse blooms. Sasanqua Camellias, depending on the cultivar, are fall and winter-blooming which makes them even more precious. Known to symbolize love and affection, happiness, luck, and in some cases a health tonic, it represents a perfect spiral in its unfolding.
click on photo to see full image

Sun Meets Moon 8×8
~A magical meeting~
In the midst of eclipse, a long awaited rendezvous…

Evergreen Mandala
~Sacred Trees~
Celebrating the evergreen, which represents eternal life. :)

All One Framed Print

Love Watercolor
~Love connects us all~
Celebrating the beauty of love- our greatest gift to each other.

Rain Water Mandala
~Sacred Water~
Celebrating water, which nourishes Earth and life. :)

Art Healing
~Art promotes possibility~
Celebrating the power of art toward healing! Art opens our eyes toward beauty, confidence, and unlimited potential.

Old Beach Cottage original painting 6×8
~Timelessness, nature’s beauty and joyful moments~
At the coast, you can feel the pure essence of nature and its vastness- the power of the ocean, the majesty of overhanging cliffs, the longevity of weather-beaten trees and rooftops which have been there for generations. Cozy cottages are nestled next to one another in the hills. Kites fly in the sky, and dogs run and play gleefully. :)
Click thumbnail to see full image of the painting

The Light Within
~Spirit Light~
We all have a bright, beautiful light within, regardless of our circumstances. In this piece, it was my goal to create a more universal-looking figure that is not gender or race-specific, because this piece is meant for everyone. Our magnificent internal light is all-encompassing, reflecting and refracting rainbow colors. It is our central beacon of hope and healing. Know that you always have this source within you.
Click on the photo for the full view.

Koi Pond I original painting 8×8
~Koi blessings~
In Asian traditions, Koi are known to symbolize happiness, wealth, long life and good fortune. Like many of our animal friends, they especially enjoy feeding time! This piece is inspired by my own Koi pond and Japanese-style garden.
Click on the thumbnail to see the full image of this print.

Old Winter Cabin
A whimsical winter cabin scene- a faithful furry friend waits by the hearth for his/her family to return

Forest Fairy
~Magic in the woods~
She dances in the forest, tending to life all around.

The Grand Dragon Race
~Dragon blessings~
In Eastern traditions, dragons are known to symbolize strength, long life and good fortune. This piece was created to celebrate Portland, Oregon’s annual dragon boat races. Roses in the water symbolize Portland, the City of Roses.
Click on the thumbnail to see the full image

5×5 Framed Animal Portrait Print – 6 choices
The full series of Animal Spirit Portraits is now available as framed prints! Select which animal(s) you would like based on the photo below, and write a note in the comments on your order. Each print is sold separately. If you would like to order more than one animal print, select the quantity on this item.
I painted this series to promote love and reverence for all creatures. My love of textiles, animals, and interest in nature-based spiritual traditions led me to choose this vibrant combination.
10% of the sales from this print will be donated to World Wildlife Fund.

You Got This
~Know that you have what it takes~
Believe in yourself and there’s no limit to what you can achieve!
Painted in acrylic on wood panel with glass bead embellishments and a ribbon edging.

Circle of Love and Light
~Surround yourself in light~
Whether you think of your circle as a spiritual guides, family, friends or your own internal light, know that positive forces are always with you.
Painted in acrylic on wood panel with glass bead embellishments and a ribbon edging.

Joyful Heart
~Fill your heart with joy~
A simple reminder to cherish the happiest moments and to spread love to others.
Painted in acrylic on wood panel with wire and glass bead embellishments plus a ribbon edging.

Japanese Garden Seasons – series of 4
This series of four Japanese garden paintings celebrate the constancy and beauty of nature amidst the changing cycles of the year. Each season has a purpose and a unique energy. The garden is a wise teacher of the circle of life. From seed to plant to harvest to compost and new seeds again, we rotate and evolve in a spiral through life.
Winter is a time of rest, nurturing and stillness. A time to admire what beautiful qualities still remain in our core. Seeds underground begin to gestate which will bring new life in the spring.
The Spring garden sprouts new life! The days are lighter and brighter. This is the season of re-emergence and beautiful new beginnings. Birds chirp happily and possibilities abound now.
In Summer, the garden is abundant, decadently filled with fruits and flowers. The lush, green grass is soft and warm under our feet.
The Fall garden withers gracefully with jewel tones in it’s final days. As the earth winds down to rest, the wind blows, and seeds scatter for the future.
Click on the thumbnail to see the full image of this print set.

Changing Cycles
Honoring mother earth’s cycle- she symbolizes growth, renewal, and the beautiful energy of creation.

Soulmates print
~Eternal Love~
Soulmates captures the union of two hearts in a moment of pure bliss. Bluebirds and an idyllic landscape symbolize this delightful happiness that we call true love or sometimes first love. In every relationship, there is give and take, and thus the ying yang symbolizes perfect balance. (Click thumbnail to see full image)

Decor Panel-Love and Harmony

Decor Panel- Love

Decor Panel- All One

Decor Panel-Ace Wands

Decor Panel- Angel

Decor Panel- Dancer
~Dance to the beat of the universe~
Spirit dancer- representing the spiral of life and symbolizing the energy of dance.

Decor Panel-Transform
~Make a wish and watch it grow~
As the season turns, mother earth comes to life renewed with unlimited possibility. This inspirational panel Transformation symbolizes spring- a time of growth, renewal or healing, and the beauty of changing cycles.

Decor Panel- Fairy
~Follow Your Dreams~
‘Dance with the Fairy Queen’ is a vision of the muse- the spark of creation. Planting and nurturing seeds, she watches them grow into beautiful flowers.

Changing Cycles Print
This high-quality photo print of the original painting ©2013 Robin Phillips, is ready for framing. Available in 6×6 or 8×8 format, it is packaged in an earth-friendly, compostable plastic bag. Note: no mat is included due to the custom sizes.

Butterfly Kite Print
~Up, up and away!~
A whimsical print celebrating playfulness and a free spirit.

Love Lives Here Print
~Spread love!~
A simple, colorful piece to celebrate love and cherish those close to us.

Buddha Infinite Print
~Infinite light, interconnection, oneness~
A seated Buddha in meditation connects with all. This mixed media oil painting includes glass beads in Buddha’s hair and around the figure to emphasize light and spiritual awakening. Each bead is carefully stitched through the canvas and sealed in place.

Transformation Print
~As the season turns, mother earth comes to life renewed with unlimited possibility~
This small, original oil painting symbolizes spring- a time of growth, renewal or healing, and the beauty of changing cycles.

Our Space/Harmony Print
~Celebrating harmony and relationships~
A symbolic vision of lives intertwining, growing and nurturing each other.

All One Print
~All is connected~
We are all part of one world, interconnected beautifully. Celebrate this unity and see its beauty in the rainbow around us. This print features the inner section of the original oil/mixed media painting on a circle canvas.

Love Print
~Love connects us all~
Celebrating the beauty of love- our greatest gift to each other.

Spirit Dancer Print
~She dances to the beat of the universe~
This print of the original oil/mixed media painting represents the spiral of life and symbolizes the energy of dance.

Angel of Light Print
~A beautiful light surrounds you~
Angel of Light is a vision of love and light surrounding all on Earth.

Angel of Love Print
~You are surrounded by love~
Angel of Love is a vision of love and light surrounding all on Earth.